Navigating High-Asset Divorce In California
At Rice & Rice, we have the experience and resources to handle the most complex financial issues that arise in California divorces. Our clients include business owners, executives, professionals and others facing high-asset divorces in Riverside and throughout surrounding California communities.
A Detail-Oriented Approach That Gets Results
A single mistake or oversight in a high net worth divorce can have ramifications that last far into the future. Our detail-oriented approach limits such mistakes, and has made us a proven ally for people facing divorce and other family law issues in California.
Our experience allows us to protect the financial interests of those facing the division of business assets, stocks and investments, professional practices, vacation homes, farm and ranch properties and other high-value assets in divorce. We are experienced in issues involving hidden assets, nonmarital tracing, QDROs and other matters that have a significant impact on our clients’ overall financial picture.
When appropriate, we employ experts such as forensic accountants, appraisers, business valuation consultants and private investigators who help us navigate the underlying financial issues in complex divorce cases.
Discuss Your Legal Needs With An Experienced Divorce Lawyer
The manner in which your divorce is handled will have a significant impact on your financial future. With skilled legal guidance, it is possible to avoid costly pitfalls while seizing hidden opportunities.
Our attorneys are committed to protecting your financial future in divorce. To schedule your confidential consultation with an experienced divorce attorney, please contact us online or by telephone at 951-683-2297.
Get In Touch With Our Law Firm
Rice & Rice, Attorneys at Law
3800 Orange Street, Suite 280 Riverside,CA 92501 Phone: 951-683-2297 Fax: 866-702-4011