Summary Dissolution
Summary Dissolution is an inexpensive way to dissolve a marriage. No formal hearings or appearances are required, and a final judgment may be entered after the six-month period has expired. However, this action is very limited and can only be used by a married couple who meet certain requirements. Even if spouses qualify for summary dissolution, it is highly advisable to speak with an experienced California Family Law Attorney before proceeding.
Although requirements may vary by jurisdiction, generally, a marriage may be dissolved by summary dissolution if: 1) the parties have been married for no more than five years; 2) there are no children; 3) there are limited assets and debts; 4) the parties waive certain rights, such as the right to appeal and the right to spousal support; and 5) the parties have read and understand the appropriate Summary Dissolution Brochure supplied by the court. CA Family Code §2400 to 2406*.
Parties are advised to seek resolution of their marital discord prior to dissolution. However, sometimes such resolution is simply not obtainable. Rice & Rice is dedicated to helping parties come to an amicable resolution of their case in order to avoid the costs of litigation. Where agreement is not possible, we aggressively advocate your case through the entire litigation process. We serve all of Riverside, Orange, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties. Please contact us for a free consultation.
*Each court may implement certain local requirements in addition to the above requirements. The information found on this website is used for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be used in place of legal advice. Disclaimer.
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Rice & Rice, Attorneys at Law
3800 Orange Street, Suite 280 Riverside,CA 92501 Phone: 951-683-2297 Fax: 866-702-4011