Drug Possession

Whether you are facing criminal charges for drug possession, being under the influence of drugs, or for drug sales, it is important to have an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney on your side. The Law Offices of Debra J. Rice has over 20 years of experience with drug possession and drug related criminal defense.

PC 1000/ Prop 36

If you have a drug charge for possession and you have no prior history for drug crimes you would be eligible for drug diversion or PC1000 which means that, if you complete a 4 month diversion program your conviction or judgment would be deferred. This means that there would be no conviction if you successfully completed the class. We can then set your case for sentencing at the end of the eighteen month probationary period. If you are not charged with any new offenses, do not test positive for drugs, and complete all other terms of your probation, your case will then be dismissed.

If you have a prior history of drug crimes then you would be eligible for prop 36 or PC1210. Although there is little or no state funding due to the economy these days, this office is very creative in placing clients in programs that comply with prop 36 that is sometimes even covered by your insurance or you can be placed in programs at little or no cost if you do not have insurance.

I am also pleased to announce that we also have on staff a retired probation officer, Mr. Milt Sheetz, who was the onsite probation officer for San Bernardino Drug Court for the past 10 years and who has extensive knowledge of the local resources and treatment placement for alternative sentencing. Mr. Sheetz provides addiction counseling, treatment placement and pre-plea reports. Where circumstances warrant, Mr. Sheetz will accompany you to the court to speak to the court on your behalf and explain your progress in your recovery plan.

If you do not qualify for either PC1000 or PC1210 due to an extensive record or multiple relapses then the next level and more intensive program is the drug court. Drug court requires a referral and an agreement by the district attorney (DA), the drug court team, probation and the judge. If accepted, there is usually a “dry out” period of a week or two of custody and then perhaps a residential program, multiple court appearances, and drug testing.

Call today for your free consultation with a Riverside and Orange County criminal defense attorney at 951-683-2297. If you or someone you know has drug related charges and have a drug or alcohol problem, please contact us for information regarding drug treatment programs and help or visit our Resources Page for free online information concerning drug treatment and addiction recovery.

Drug Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney, Drug Lawyer, Drug Crimes, Drug Charges, Health and Safety Code §11377, 11350, 11351, 11352, 11378, 11379, 11351, 11359, 11357, 11360, 11364, 11550, California Penal Code §1210, 1000, PC 1000, PC 1210, Prop 36, Riverside, Orange County, San Bernardino, Los Angeles

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Rice & Rice, Attorneys at Law

3800 Orange Street, Suite 280 Riverside,CA 92501 Phone: 951-683-2297 Fax: 866-702-4011

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