If you’re going through a breakup and divorce, you face so many emotions, it’s overwhelming. Thinking logically and about your financial welfare is often the last thing on your list. While you worry about the children or even your fur babies, it’s hard to focus on real life needs like adequate money to care for everyone in the years to come. That’s why getting the best divorce attorney in Riverside, CA is so important.
The divorce attorney worries about your financial state for you.
You’re faced with an enormous amount of changes, plus all the emotions that go with a separation, so worrying about material issues isn’t at the top of your list. Even though your mind is in an emotional turmoil, this is the time you really need a level head. You might think that your soon to be ex-spouse would never be unfair, but there are often others giving that spouse advice and none of it is about being fair to you financially. That’s where working with an attorney who specializes in divorce and family law helps. They work on the tough material worries, so you can focus on the emotional side.
If custody is an issue, you need a good attorney to ensure a good outcome.
Child custody is often one of the most heated issues in a divorce. Sometimes, it occurs because both parents truly believe the child will benefit from being in their care. However, many times issues of child custody go back to the financial side of a divorce. Even if the estranged spouse won’t make the best parent, he or she fights for custody to avoid paying support. You need an advocate with a level head to fight for both you and your child.
Not all assets are obvious at first.
There are a lot of assets that can be hidden or missed that you don’t often consider while you’re going through the emotions of a divorce. Pension plans or other retirement plans may have been established while you were married. These have to be dealt with on a fair basis to both. Not all assets are community property and it would be unfair to include them in a divorce.
- There are a lot of factors that can make division of property more difficult. If you lived with your estranged spouse for any length of time before marriage, it can affect property division.
- If you’re the custodial parent, ensuring you get the appropriate amount of child support is important. Assessing all income and even finding hidden assets is part of a divorce attorney’s job.
- Spousal support can play a major issue in a divorce if one parent was a stay-at-home parent. Getting a fair settlement in this area depends on the divorce lawyer’s ability and experience.
- Even with a fair settlement and support amount, getting your estranged spouse to pay can be a problem. When you’re working with a good divorce attorney, they have all the tools to ensure your ex pays.